Now That Is What I Call Success!

Friday, July 6, 2012

I dubbed this day 'The Day Of Laundry'. That right there is 9 laundry baskets. 9 baskets that were full of folded clean cloths that i lugged up two flights of stairs and put away. (Ok Bob did one cause it was to heavy for me but you get the point)

Of course this shows you that i am a major procrastinator when it comes to putting laundry away. Sure i do laundry all the time and generally it gets folded and put on my laundry counter down in the laundry room and sometimes it gets sorted into baskets... but rarely ever put away. Today i decided i wanted to empyt out my laundry room and finally get the cloths put away.

First that meant doing a mondo pile of ironing which had been an overflowing basket full of cloths.

It also included me going through my basket of cloths that had been separated because of stains. I went through them and threw away the cloths that were to far gone and then soaked the others in a stain remover solution in a wet pail.

So far today i've done 4 loads of laundry while working so i'm getting a small pail of clean cloths again on my laundry counter which sorta makes me happy because that means i'm getting the laundry done... but also a tad bummed because i have worked all day to get that area/counter cleared and now i'm adding more to it. LOL Oh well i know this is something that is inevitable and also that means i just need to keep up with getting the stuff put away too.

I had made it my personal rule not to take out a load of laundry out of the drier without folding it right then and there.... maybe i should to add 'putting it away' right in there as well hehe.

Also this morning i did my work out for 51 minutes that said i burned about 212 calories. Then with all this walking and lugging stuff up stairs my legs are sour and cramping like crazy but even though i am quite a bit of pain, i know that it is because i am getting such a workout today.... also goes to prove i am completely out of shape >_<

So today you learned: I am completely out of shape & that i rarely ever put laundry away.
LOL haaaa well i'm being real!