Mondo Ironing Complete!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Ugh so glad to have that done and out of my laundry room. As you can see... i don't iron much LOL but now it's totally done.... at least for a few day o.0

In preparation i set up my laptop in front of me and while i ironed i got caught up on my 'Table Top' episodes on youtube... so i was entertained by others having fun LOL

Haaa now to lug all this up stairs along with the other 7 baskets of clean and folded cloths to put away >_< Going up and down the stairs will not be fun especially since i worked out for an hour today and my legs are all cramping hehe. BUT at least my laundry room will almost be bare! That's always a plus! Especially since i'm starting up on the 'Flylady' routines again come Monday.