What’s wrong with a’little ‘woot woot’???

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Abby looking cutesy

Yesterday i spent most of the day at Heidi’s house visiting. It was really nice to see them all and chit chat with my sis. I don’t get a whole lot of conversation most days…. i try, with Anabel, but I'm sure you know how that goes.

Funny how little things get me so excited. Yesterday i went to Wal-Mart down there in McPherson and found the size of blinds i have been needing. I have been looking and waiting for them to get them in stock at my Wal-Mart, and getting annoyed because they have been out of the size i need for weeks now! But alas i have them and i can’t wait to put them up, then all the windows but the kitchen will have coverings and i won’t feel like people are watching me o.0 I don’t like that feeling.

Tonight we get the internet (after 8pm) I’m so stocked! That will help some with my conversation deprived self. I’ll get my facebook, babyfit, and msn back, LOL yays! I’m such a loser ain’t i?

I need to hurry up and get this house all put together so i can work on some of the projects i have listed in my head. I want to work on the girl’s baby books and get them cute. I have pictures now that i want to scrapbook. I want to buy material so i can sew some much needed curtains for this place.

I have our bedroom to straighten and organize and mostly the girl’s room after that. I mean i need to do the spare room too, but it’s not to horribly important.

I’ve already been working on re-vamping my website and hope to get a domain name soon so i can get it online. I also just got our CD of the digital copies of our photo shoot that i paid for and i can’t wait to get those printed and up on the wall. So can’t wait! I’m so EXCITED to have them!!! I’ll share them with you soon!

Well i think I'm going to go get out of my sleep cloths and go to work…. hanging my shades EL’WOOTNESS!…..LOL….. i make myself smile…. is that a bad thing?


She LOVES that hat. She’s too cute ^_^ in my opinion that is!