Felt Like A Break

Friday, March 30, 2012

Today almost felt like a break for me. Because of the storm last night and all the rain, i didn’t have to water the yard or my garden like i have been doing. So that was nice!

That gave me some time to get in to doing laundry that i haven’t done a whole lot of lately. It’s kinda sad looking, looked like our whole closet was down there >_< Now all but a load of blankets are done and it’s all folded. Now just to have the will power to bring it all up and put it away.

This morning was a quite morning. The girls actually played and was happy with no cartoons on for several hours. I like having the TV and all the sound off sometimes… actually i would have it a LOT but Daddy likes having the noise.

Then we played tea party on the front porch for some time until it was lunch time. After i got the girls up to nap i ended up taking a nap myself which was nice.

Now that Daddy is home he’s watching the girls (well more like napping last night i looked) while i am cooking dinner. I’m making homemade bacon and tomato pizza on Daddy’s request. I’m thinking on my side of the pizza i will add mushroom, black olives and onions. Sounds YUMMY and the smell of the bacon cook is making me drool. I haven’t had bacon in a long time it seems.

Learning how to coupon has been such a big blessing for my family! And thanks to Mom and Dad Risch when they bought us a deep freeze for Christmas that has allowed me to take advantage of great deals and stock up on food. We could last quiet awhile with the food in the basement. I love my meat stock in the freezer. Not to often do you find awesome coupon deals on meat but back a month or so there was awesome deals on bacon and sausage so i have a pretty good stock of those. We are at the point and for most things each month i am just buying food to restock my stockpile to keep it full so we always have a good selection. Sept things like milk and fresh produce which we have to buy every couple of weeks usually.

I just feel really blessed :)