
Monday, December 20, 2010


The Christmas season i find myself reminiscing about my first heart throb, my first first date, my first boy friend, my Bobby.

4 years ago today on the weekend of the 17th, I remember it well. Bob and his family had came over to my sisters house were i was living to hang out. We played Pictionary and Jess his sister and Bob were on a team with me. I had previously been warned that Bob would probably ask me out that night, which i was having a hard time believing. We all had a lot of fun, everyone was saying their goodbyes and i was feeling slightly nervous and disappointed because i knew surely he wasn’t going to ask me out, there was no way… see he was leaving.misc426

But then, i noticed Bob hanging back and he let the rest of his family to go the car, him standing there looking nervous. Once his family was out of the house he turned to me and asked me if i would maybe want to go out and do something with him sometime (right in front of my brother and sister)

And that was the beginning


Then a few days later (would have been today, 4 years ago) He called me and confirmed a date to take me out which was Friday the 22nd.

Our first date was to see Night At The Museum and to Red Robins. The surprise was that both our shy selves actually talked to each other.186834-108927265714108

Back at work my co-workers were letting me know that if he asked me out again I was officially his girlfriend which seemed so pleasantly odd (if you were in my head you would understand why that seemed odd to me).

Then he called on Christmas morning just to talk to me and oh how i was pleased. Then he also talked to my brother in-law on the phone, where my brother invited Bob to come along with us to my family’s family Christmas. I was sitting there freaking out, wondering if that was to bold of a question for my brother to ask and wondering if Bob would even want to go. To my relief Bob seemed to really want to come and meet my family. Haaa good memories. I love sitting and replaying them in my mind.

I am so in love with this man :)217138-109157976422579