An Off Day

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Today has been so weird! Me and hubby woke up before both girls. Bob forgot to set the alarm so we woke up to late to get ready for church, which was a bummer! I don’t like missing.

Then when the girls were up we started working on breakfast. Bob made sausages and fried apples, while i made the eggs. It was good breakfast .

I’m not sure when it happened but some did happen because the day just starting feeling weird, for both me and Bob. Not one certain was going wrong, we both just felt weird… not a good weird. It was hard to do anything productive!

I know the day turn major south when Bob tried to turn on the Bears game and the direct tv wasn’t working. (they are suppose to come and fix it tomorrow) We did manage to get the internet hooked up to our tv and Bob found a website to watch the game on…. but then our internet slowed and it was pointless to try and watch it cause it kept pausing and skipping… boo for that!

Bob did manage to get some wood cut and i traced the outline for the nesting puzzle animals we are making the kids for Christmas. Bob has to cut them out at school cause the have the right kind of saw there.

Then tonight i made dinner and we sat down to watch the other half of Star was III…. we had started it last night but got to tired.

Ooooo Abby just fell asleep next to me, watching me type! YAYS for that…. it’s been very hard getting her to fall asleep…. when all else fails, pull out the laptop LOL

Haaa i better go, still have some ironing to do before i go to bed!

Night y’all!