
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Last night i started getting a sore throat. Went to bed, but Abby didn’t want to sleep.

All night should would not let me lay her in her bed where she normally sleeps with out throw a fit. I was so tired and felt sick, and even more tired because i had to hold her all night. Some time during the night she threw up like I've never seen, seemed like it had to be everything she had in her little stomach but i don’t know. Weird thing is she doesn’t have a fever and doesn’t act sick. I think all of this is because of teething.

She decided to sleep and let me lay her beside me this morning… I thought i was finally going to get sleep but then i heard Anabel fussing on the monitor…. boo for that! LOL That’s being a mom, got to do what you got to do even if you feel like crap. I thank God for giving adequate strength to do the job.

I just hope my day goes good and this sore throat doesn’t turn into something ugly.

Abby is still sleeping and she looks so beautiful!

Another odd thing is usually Abby wants to binky all night, but last night she hardly took it… still probably the teeth thing.