Looking Forward

Thursday, April 16, 2015

This morning i thought 'oh I can't wait to be able to sleep on my stomach', thinking about after the baby. Then reality hit.... Heh.... Like that will be happening any time soon! There is to much nursing and baby holding a newborn that sleeping arms free enough to sleep on your stomach is an immense luxury.

Haaaa.... Well it will come eventually. Last night i kept wanting to flip on my stomach which I haven't had that urge in a long time. I generally have been sleeping wonderful during this pregnancy. I think my good sleeping is all due to my ergo tempurpedic bed.

I am definitely ready to be done with my pregnancy. I'm ready to hold my little man, wrap him up and get him strapped on me and learning how to make life work with four kids.

I'm ready to have my body be my own again... Ha.... But i know it won't be really. I am not ready for the flabby belly though :( thank goodness i have spanks and spandex-ie long under shirts to help hold everything in.