Update on life in the Risch home
Thursday, March 12, 2015Things have been a bit crazy these last few months. Pregnancy, sicknesses, getting behind in homeschooling (ugh!) then things happening with my hubby and his job… more pregnancy fun… sicknesses that won’t go away! And so on!
I am currently (as of tomorrow I guess) 33 weeks along with this little guy! I think we finally named him, although we aren’t letting anyone know till he’s born!
I’ve been sick for a looooong time. It started with my second daughter who just couldn’t get over her couch and now I was blessed to get it as well lol. I cough so bad I throw up (sorry TMI). My midwife let me know that it is straining my stomach muscles badly and causing issues she thinks with the baby flipping into the head down position here on Tuesday I have my next appointment and hopefully there is good news, that he has went head down! I’m still coughing though
I take my meds but still got it!
The biggest news though is that possibility that we might move. Some different things happened at the hubby’s job that caused him to start looking for another place to move on it. We a possible job, not 100% but the closest to another job he’s gotten so far. It would require so to move though, almost 2 hours away. This would mean selling our home, leaving our church and looking for a new home to buy. A HUGE step.
I’m hoping that by making a move, that we possibly could find a place to by in the country. It is wishful thinking but maybe!
It’s daunting to think about. We adore our church, I love our home. We have made so many mental plans of what we want to do with this house. I would be content to live here a long long time but I also know that sometimes what God has planned for us isn’t always to stay in one spot our entire lives. I want to go where he wants us, no matter what the means.
The thought of moving is quite stressful. I’m sure anyone who has owned a home knows what I am talking about! Plus this was a fixer upper when we bought it. We have done a lot of things to the house: privacy fenced in the back yard, but a front porch on it, put a new roof on the home, installed a raised bed garden area, redone a few of the bedrooms, but we are still living on subfloors in most of the downstairs and there is still a ton of things that need to be done. To get it in shape to sell we are talking about doing a lot of things that are on our dream list to do…. only to do them for someone else it is a bit of a downer.
We would have to move into another fixer upper probably and one that is most likely going to be smaller. It’s doable and I kinda look forward to the challenge of downsizing as long as it means upsizing the property line hehe.
In the end God knows what is best for our family and we need to trust him and pray he guilds our foot steps. Until then with a baby coming, holidays and birthdays coming, we have a ton on our plate!
I am feeling at the moment excited about our future, what ever that may be. I really am. I’m trying to stay positive, which hasn’t been so easy for me lately with these ‘unknowns’ lingering, pregnancy hormones and so much on my to do list it is crazy!