Abby’s Birthday Present (1)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

So for awhile now i knew i wanted to get Abby a pretend doctors kit. She would try and put a rag over her mouth and come to me saying ‘I’m a doctor!’ and pretend her dolls were hurt.

Well like usual i kept forgetting i needed to order it for her for her birthday. So last night i remembered and got on Amazon (were i tend to do all my non grocery shopping since we have a prime account and the amazon credit card which earns us 3x the amounts of points if we use the credit card on amazon…. so earning free money is always a plus)

Well i found small cheap kits for like $15-18 and there was an ok one for $25. Then there was the Melissa and Doug Deluxe Kit that was normally $79 marked down to $39. Came with a doctors costume plus the doctors kit. We thought we were going to do that. I started reading reviews on the items because i try to read everything and look at everything before i make a choose. One comment mentioned they decided to buy a kit with a real stethoscope instead of one that made fake sounds. So i started looking for kits with real ones cause i thought that was a great idea. Didn’t find a pretend kit with one in it but i did find real stethoscopes for WAY cheaper then i would have imagined them to be.

So this got me thinking… could i find real doctor/nurse items and make my own kit for about the same price or cheaper? Oh the searching rolled on.

After three hours and it being almost 1am i had finally pieced together my own kit. I’m still lacking a doctors bag to carry it all in but i think i will stop in the thrift stores and see if i can find something that will work.

First here is a glimpse of the pretend kit i almost bought:


Here is what i pieced together:

First the outfit:

I bought a plain white button down shirt. I know it’s not as fancy but i’m hoping to use my skills and make it a little more like a doctors shirt. Like my husband mentioned, a doctors shirt would have a lower collar so i’m hoping to fix that. I bought it as a 4t, so it will be kinda big on her but i thought that was kinda the point and this way Anabel can use it and they still have some growing room in it.

shirtThen i found this:

organizer  It is a ‘Medical Organizer Kit’ which is suppose to slide onto a belt loop for nurses. Well since it is fabric i’m planning to sew it onto the bottom of the doctor shirt for extra pockets like the Melissa and Doug shirt kinda has. I think the girls will love the pockets and clips on it.

It also comes with: ‘Diagnostic Penlight, Pen, Scissor, Keys and Other Accessories’

I will take the scissors out of it because that is not a toy. But the Penlight i think they will LOVE


watch This is a ‘Nurse Pin Brooch Pocket Watch’ I’m guessing this is to count for blood pressure or something but i thought it would add some flare to the outfit.

I also plan on sewing a couple face masks, so both girls could play…. one the doctor and one the nurse maybe? Anyways they should be uber simple to make.

I also grabbed this:

nursenancybook I thought this book would be great to include… give them some ideas for play :)


Now on to the kit!

stethReal pediatric sized stethoscope and blood pressure band. Now i might have to poke a whole in the blood pressure band so they can’t get enough air in there to make it to tight on the arm… we will have to test that out. I’m so excited about these two pieces!

reflexhammer Real reflex hammer. Says it’s 7in big and rubber hammer head. Bob was a little worried about this but i’m sure if the girls can learn how to use a hot glue gun like they have been, then they can learn about this…. but we will see how hard it is before we give it to them.

thermomAnd a real thermometer.

I was looking at baby health kits like this one:

51JYh zBgvL._SL1000_But i remembered i have multiples of most all this stuff (except the thermometer) and could spare a set for the kit. I also have a ton of medicine syringes from child medicines that i will give her as play needles.

Then we have ACE bandages from Bob’s football days so i think i will cut a few down to child size and sew some velcro on the ends to make them be able to clasp and that way they will have plenty of bandages.


I’m hoping she will love this and it will turn out as cool as i’m picturing it. Real tools! And it costing just as much as these kits i was going to buy that were all plastic!

Oh i hope it’s cool! I got such a headache trying to figure it all out…. hope i made good choices!

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