New Plan – 7 Day Self Challenge

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

So for a long time i’ve been battling tiredness… badly. My reason for it i think it the getting up 2-6 times a night with Matthew which can surely do it to you…. i have always been someone that seemed like i needed quite a lot of sleep. But i have a feeling there is other things that play a part in it like: not drinking enough water, not getting the vitamins i need and not eating very healthy.

So since i can’t change how often i get up with Matthew i can attempt to change the other things. I can’t really take vitamins…. i sure have tried and failed every time because my stomach just doesn’t handle them :\ So i got the bright idea (lol) why don’t i try to get my vitamins through my food? Yah i’m not really into ‘healthy’ foods per say. I’m not about to give up my sugar or dairy products but i can try to add better things into my diet.

I got on pinterest and look up ‘energy boost’ and found some things i really liked. One thing i found which i thought was intriguing was ‘Dr.Oz’s 3-Day Energy Booting Cleanse’. Now i don’t think I'm ready for a full fledged cleanse but i figured i could incorporate some of the things he said to eat into my daily routine.

In my head I'm a total go getting… i mean i want to just go head first and try to implement a bunch of stuff at once. I know this…. but i still tend to attempt it, even if i fail lol

Like i want to give me and Bob a 7 day challenge. That includes getting up at 6am (not early for most but very early for me!), starting out our morning with a fruit smoothie while cooking a light but healthy breakfast and finishing it off with a energy boosting work out, all before he has to leave for work at 7:30am. And then incorporating the Epson salt bath every night for a little detoxing. Sounds doable right? Maybe lol See i don’t get up that early 7:30-8am normally, i typically don’t eat breakfast and my morning shake is usually a coffee and i sit for awhile tired and moping in my head about how i need to get up lol soooooo ya!

I also am like ‘Oh I'll start my flylady app plan for cleaning the house again, I'll start the girls daily routine chart again…..ect ect’

This would also be cutting out my usual coffees. I’m not sure if i really should try and start ALL of these things out the first week…. i might be going through caffeine withdraws and feeling terrible.

But wish my luck cause I'm serious, i want to try it. Perfect timing too cause i need to go shopping LOL