Our Churches Easter Event

Monday, April 9, 2012

I love our church Real Life Christian Church. It was such a fun Easter weekend event!


This here is a shot of me and the ladies at the coffee bar on Saturday night. It got a tad crazy but it was a lot of fun! Thanks so much for the awesome ladies that helped out back there with me!


I snagged this pic because this two where wearing costumes i had made, hehe


Oh and this is me getting baptized Saturday night 4/7/12 ^_^ How cool is that yo?


Then we did all again Sunday morning minus me getting baptized lol but 7 others did get baptized that morning. It was such a blast and we had such great help for the whole thing. I think we have an awesome church family, they are great. My mom came down and got to be with us during all this weekend.

After church mom, dad and Jessica came down to spend Easter with us as well. Bob got the shade sail put up and we set up the outdoor carpet and table and bench and spent the evening out there. We grilled steak and burgers and had some great food. We played some lawn darts and horse shoes and laughed laughed. Later that night me and Jess came inside and we played some kinect sports. Later Bob and dad hoped up there and played a little bit and it was sooo funny.

It was nice having my mom and other mom and dad and sister down with us. It was tons of fun!

All in all a great weekend and Easter!