A visit and the puke :(

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My mom came down this weekend. I feel bad for her though cause i wasn't feeling as chipper and outgoing as usual and then poor Anabel got sick and started throwing up all over the place....
But i did love getting to see her. It was nice. She helped me a ton!

Yeah so poor Anabel... don't know what's up with her. She didn't/doesn't really seem to have a fever and she was acting fine and then all of a sudden she threw up. After that it seemed anything we gave her came back up, even water. She threw up in her bed so she got a bath and clean cloths. Bob put her bedding int he wash and she stayed in my arms after that for awhile. She kept asking for water and 15min after drinking she would puke it back up. So i started only letting her get tiny sips. She threw up on me several times... there for awhile it felt like i was changing her cloths and mine every few minutes. After the first time of her throwing up on me i decided to be smart and cover the couch with towels LOL that saved my couch but not me!

I ended up laying her down for bed on the couch with it covered in towels in case she would throw up again. I got set up in the recliner so i would be right next to her. Me and Bob sat up with her until she passed out.
Night was rough sleeping. She woke up a lot asking for water and i would give her little sips.

In the morning she seemed soooooo much better! No throwing up so far! She has eaten but only lightly today. This afternoon she said her stomach hurt so i was worried there was going to be more puking but none so far.

I felt so terrible for her!
Needless to say me and her and i'm sure my mom and Bob were very tired today. She is down for a nap now and has been sleeping a long time. I'm glad cause i think she needs it.

We missed church which sucked and i always feel terrible missing cause i do the coffee in the mornings.... but i felt i had to miss. There was no way that i was going to bring her to church after we had a day like that!

Bob watched the girls for a while while me and my mom went out to the store to pick up a few things. That was nice and i got some good couponing deals.

But now i feel like passing out.... if only i could!