Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I’ve had quite a good day so far. I got a good long nights sleep. Then after breakfast i went outside with the girl and Heidi and the boys, let them play for awhile. Came in, we had lunch. Then Anabel went up to bed, i was able to help pick up the house some, then me and Abby went up for a nap. We just woke up like 10 min. ago. It’s been a rather calm nice day i would say.

Bob is now on his second day at his new job at the school. He seems happy, which just delights me. It’s a pleasure to see your husband pleased, especially when he’s pleased with his new job. Of course at times it will be difficult through out the year but i think overall he will enjoy it. He did hear by the an assistant principle that the class he is taking over is known to have discipline issues and that is why they let the previous teacher go, because she couldn’t control the class. But Bob being Mr. Disciplinarian i have confidence that he will do just fine with them. I’m actually excited because i think he will do great with a class like that and be able to show the principle how good he is! God sets up everything for a reason.