Walking, Yes, Sharing

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Anabel is walking so much more now. She wobbles everywhere, it's so cute! I hope to get a video up soon. She didn't start doing it a whole bunch until we moved into our new apartment and she started walking from box to box, and now she goes all over. She can side step and turn. She hasn't learned to stand up without holding onto something yet, but that will come soon I'm sure.

You know how her big thing was shaking her head 'no' to everything? Well now she can also nod her head 'yes' and it's cute cause she usually does it with her mouth open. Sometimes she gets her neck confused and it's a 'yes-no' which is funny too.

She also is big into handing you things. She will go to her toy box and if you are close, she will take out one toy at a time and hand you each one. Or she will just get in a mood and go about the room picking up stuff to hand to you. If you aren't close enough she will crawl or walk to you to hand it to you. It's been really helpful because now if she picks something odd-an-end off the floor, she use to shove it in her mouth as fast as she can, now usually if I ask her 'what do you have?' she will hold it out for me to take…. It's not 100% but even a little of that helps a lot.

I'm so happy with our new apartment. We have almost made it totally baby proof but there still is a few 'no's'. We have her bedroom set up and it makes me so happy that she has a place for herself and I don't have to worry about anything. We have a rocking chair (which I am sitting in right now) in the room and all her toys to get into and everything. She has been sleeping in here for almost a week now but the last couple days have been really challenging. She has been fussy the last couple of days and I wonder if she might be feeling bad because both me and Bob have been sick these last couple of days and who knows if something is bothering her, you know. The only 'no' in her room is the trash can I guess, I forgot about that until she just started emptying it a few minutes ago, lol. I tried to hide it, but she found it :)

Last night she slept in our bed because she woke up at 2am bawling and nothing I did made her happy. So Bob went and got her and brought her to bed. And she slept great there with us, although bob didn't really. I slept so hard I didn't really notice much, plus my stomach felt horrid so I let bob mess with her. Anabel is really cuddly when she is sleeping and she kept getting as close as she could to Bob… and Bob doesn't do well with someone next to him for to long. So Anabel would roll towards him, he would scoot away, she would follow… and this kept happening till I woke up and saw Bob curled up at the end of the bed… it was hilarious! Although I'm sure Bob didn't think so, heh


Mrs Mar said...

Whooo, walking is grate, i think Marcel was waling for about 4 weeks till he could stand up without holding onto something.