Anabel & Matthew's Combined Birthday Party 2014 Pictures

Monday, April 14, 2014


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Photo Prep

Monday, April 7, 2014

Been having fun with making a few photo props and finding some other material in my many bags of material, that i can use as backdrops!

I found a couple i think will be adorable as a backdrops for Dr Seuss themed pictures. Thanks to their Aunt, Matthew and the girls have gotten several Dr Seuss stuffed animals and books so i figured i should use them! That and plus i did a Dr Seuss themed picture with Matthew when he was tiny:


Plus i made a fringe prop like this:

But different colors of course. Can’t wait to see how that looks in some pics.

And then I've had this link pinned on my photo board on pinterest for a long time and finally decided to give it a go

Tutorial HERE

Of course i didn’t have half the things they used so i improvised.

Like instead of a cup i used some glass jars (i save all glass jars, never know when you might have a need for them lol)

Instead of cement i use peat gravel.

Instead of a wire frame i use cardboard and newspaper

Instead of dried moss i used yarn pom poms like i saw another post use.

This was how mine turned out:


Of course i just threw this up to take a pic of the flowers. My backdrop isn’t ironed or anything lol

The Anabel saw it and wanted to take a picture right then…. in her dirty play cloths she was playing outside in, but i said sure, why not?



I’m thinking ‘Alice in Wonderland’ kinda feel.

I can’t wait to actually take some pictures with my new props ^_^

We are moving my photo area to the basement as well. And I'm actually glad because i think i might actually have better light down there believe it or not, plus lots more room! lol

Can’t wait to take Easter pictures! With all my new backdrops and props! Fun Fun!

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